1. I am finished with Neurosurgery. I had a great time with the guys. We all had very similar personalities and got along well. They treated me well, too. But, it is nice to not be on call anymore for the next few weeks. In short, I am on anesthesia right now. Basically, I walk into the OR and put the tube in the patients' airway for the case. Not a bad gig considering I have no call or weekend responsibilities.
2. I am going to San Diego this coming weekend to present a paper I wrote on Head and Neck Cancer. I am going to try to go to the Zoo. Otherwise, any ideas for what there is to do?
3. Some bone-head Orlando, FL Representative (D) made a bone-head comment yesterday. He said that the Republican Party's health care reform plan is "Don't get sick." That's it. Oh, I cannot believe I almost forgot the other bone-head comment, [if you do get sick,] "Die quickly." I know that's how I feel as a Conservative in the health care field (sarcasm, of course). I mean, seriously? What jack ass would actually say that at the US House of Representatives? Only the Democratic Party could produce someone as intelligent as Alan Grayson to enlighten all of us on how we, the majority, feel about health care.
4. A couple of friends of mine, Neil and Jenna, are getting married in November. Unfortunately I have my week of vacation the week after, so I cannot make it. That sucks.
5. My cousin Kristin and her friend Yosh are coming to Tampa for a 1/2 marathon in November. I decided since they are going to come all the way here as my first visitors, the least I can do is attempt to run this with them since this is an easier month. I started training last week. I am embarrassing. I will give you updates shortly.
6. I am thinking of getting a mountain bike or kayak when funds are sufficient. Right now, I am saving for a kitchen table. Priorities. It will probably be after Christmas when I can afford this.