Friday, August 19, 2011


Mike and Brandon have been gator hunting all week. No luck, though. I went with them last night and we saw a bunch of them. Basically you go out on the boat and drive up and down the river shining a flashlight around until you see their eyes glow. Then, if you can get close enough, you either spear them with what looks like a long pole and a knife at one end, or you use your fishing reel equipped-bow and arrow. Or, you can hang nasty rotton chicken from trees. The bait is wrapped around a wooden peg tied to a long string that is connected at the other end to an empty bottle with reflectors. When the gator takes the bait, you later come by to find the bottle floating around because the wooden peg is stuck in the gators digestive tract. Unfortunately I had to leave early because these shinanigans take place between 8pm and 6am. Here is one they caught about 30 minutes after I left. It was small so they let it go unharmed, back into the wild to grow old and become a nice pair of boots.

Mike holding the gator.

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