Friday, September 23, 2011

Hemingway House

We went to Key West, FL this week in search of a venue to get married. We looked at many places, including three hotel resorts, the Audabon House, Truman's Little Whitehouse, the Lighthouse, and the Hemingway House. After weighing the benefits and downsides to all, we are almost certain we are going with the Hemingway House.

This is the front view of the home. It is a historic building that Ernest Hemingway lived. His office is off the back of the building, in a separate loft. In that office is the desk he worked at that we would sign our marriage license after the wedding.

This is to the left of the photo above. Here is where the wedding ceremony would occur. The nice part is that we would not need much as far as decorations because of all the plants already present. There is plenty of seating for all of our guests.

This is a view from where the reception would be. We would likely have a tent as it rains almost every day here in Florida, although short lived. I am standing where the band would play from this picture. The dance floor would be over the mulched area. To the right of this is where the pool area is as seen in the next photograph.

Here is the pool area. This is where the cocktail hour would be. There would be high-top tables in the lawn.

The Hemingway House is a neat place with a lot of history. Also, across the street is a botique motel/bed and breakfast that is very affordable for hour guests. It also has a top floor suite with a full kitchen that we would likely have a brunch the day after the wedding.
 This is Kermitt's Key Lime Pie Shoppe. Delicious. They also have a chocolate dipped key lime pie on a stick. Equally delicious.

 This is all of us on a small island where there is a delicious restaurant. Val's parents took us out for our birthday's (My 29, her 30).
Val and I at the Southernmost Point bouy, which is 90 miles to Cuba.

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